Counter espionage degree
Counter espionage degree

counter espionage degree

What is particularly intriguing and novel in Elizabethan Espionage is the way that it shines a light on a figure who, quite intentionally, wanted to remain largely in the shadows-and who managed to do so for many centuries. Martin’s study overlaps with Alford’s and others’ regarding many of the main players and plots that were afoot in this exciting, transformative, and often dark and dangerous era. Patrick Martin takes a rather different approach, focusing instead on the Catholic side of the scales and investigating the response of English Catholics to what they believed to be a life or death struggle for the future existence of the ancient faith and its adherents in early modern England.


One such insightful example is Stephen Alford’s The Watchers: A Secret History of the Reign of Elizabeth i (New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2012), which pulls the curtain back on the full extent and pervasive reach of the Elizabethan secret service and its pursuit of perceived enemies: religious (especially Catholics) or political, foreign or domestic, real or imagined. A number of studies in recent years have examined various aspects of the underworld of espionage, although most have focused on the Elizabethan government’s extensive spy network and its impact.

counter espionage degree

Spying, secrecy, and subterfuge were all part of the English/British scene long before the advent of James Bond.

Counter espionage degree